
Meet Entesar Alsowmely: Support Pro April 20, 2021

Company Role

Application Support Engineer

Favourite Quote

“Once prayer becomes a habit, success becomes a lifestyle.”

Top Podcasts/Books

The Montessori Notebook – I’m interested in learning more about the Montessori method so that I can use the philosophy on my future children (when god wills).

What is something people in your industry have to deal with that you want to fix?

A continuous challenge that the remittance industry has faced is with online remittance. Especially now with Covid-19, many people have faced restrictions with sending money to their loved ones via the traditional methods. Here at RemitONE our system supports 100% online remittance, whether that be via the apps or via the agent systems. We are confident that our clients can do business using our system without any holdbacks.

What do you do at RemitONE?

I work in first-line support so if a client has any issues then they will come to me and the team. We support their system and ensure it is working correctly all the time.

What are your credentials and experience for working in your position?

I have worked in front-line support for a while now, including when I was at university and my first job afterwards. I studied computer science at university so I have programming experience and I can complete bug fixes quickly if needed!

What do you like about working at RemitONE?

I like that we are a small team so we all know each other. Our roles are diverse and I get the chance to program as well as support clients’ systems.

What are the values that drive you?

Loyalty, dependability and efficiency.

What’s your background and what do you enjoy doing when you are not working?

My background is in computer science and when I’m not working I enjoy being outside and taking long walks. Since lockdown began I have been taking walks with my husband, we usually take the longer route or sometimes we just walk with no destination!

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