
Meet Saiful Alom: Technical Genius January 12, 2021


Saiful Alom

Company Role

Head of R&D (soon to change to Technical Customer Success Manager)

Favourite Quote

“If you fail to prepare, prepare to fail”

Top 3 podcasts/books:

This is a difficult question to answer! I have varied interests and love reading books – I have many favourites. I’m a big Sci-Fi/Fantasy fan.

What is something people in your industry have to deal with that you want to fix?

Standardisation. In the Remittance industry, we do not have standard ways of doing things. This is the case when it comes to integrations with third-parties. Due to the lack of standards, it makes things interesting but laborious!

What do you do at RemitONE?

I’m Currently Head of R&D. I’m responsible for project management, product related items, liaising with customers to help them achieve their goals (from a technical perspective), and a variety of other things.

My role is soon to change to focus on Technical Customer Success Management. This change will allow me to focus on our clients and help them achieve success with our technology and services.

What are your credentials and experience for working in your position?

I have been a software engineer for half my career. Then I moved onto Programme and Project Management. This has helped me develop the ability to act as a bridge between the technical team and our clients. Because of my technical background, I am able to communicate with both parties easily.

What do you like about working at RemitONE?

We have a great team here at RemitONE. We work well together, which allows us to provide a good service.

What are the values that drive you?

I take my values from my faith, my upbringing and cultural background.

These values include: helping people in need, respecting others, fulfilling promises, being kind to people and to animals, being patient in adversity, maintaining justice, being honest, and many others. Just try to be a good person.

What’s your background and what do you enjoy doing when you are not working?

I was born in Sylhet (Bangladesh) and raised in London (UK). I was four years old when I arrived in 1978 on a cold January day. My mother and I came to join my father, who had been here since the early 60s.

I am bilingual, but understand a few other languages to varying degrees. Recently I’ve been learning a bit of Korean, as we watch a lot of K dramas as a family.

I used to be part of the Air Training Corps (now RAF cadets) during my teens. In the seven years there, I picked up many skills and it kept me out of trouble.

I studied Computing Science (Software Engineering) at the University of Greenwich. I have now been working in this industry for the last 25 years!

When not working, I enjoy travelling with my family. I have always been a book worm and love reading. I enjoy learning languages – one of these days I will stick at it long enough to gain full fluency in them.

I have taken up Karate and MMA, something I started at a late stage as an activity to do with my son – I am now 2 belts away from black belt. I also enjoy other team sports such as football and badminton. I am known for my liking of food and love for chilli by family, friends and colleagues. My favourite activity is to eat great tasting food from around the world. Of course, this means there is a constant battle against the bulge.

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