
New Payment Methods and Charging Features May 6, 2008

RemitONE today announced the availability of new features covering payment methods and charging. The RemitONE money transfer software system is now able to create payment methods, and control how they affect the delivery delay and fee.

For example a cheque payment method can be created that charges a percentage plus flat fee, and gives an automatic delay of a week for the cheque to clear. An approximate rate is given when creating the transaction, but the rate that is valid at the time of clearance is the one that is used so the transfer doesn’t lose out to exchange rate fluctuations.

Different fee and delay rules can be specified for each payment type, so credit cards could clear immediately, but incur a percentage fee.

The system calculates everything automatically so the operator doesn’t have to worry about calculations, and head office don’t need to remember separately about delayed transactions.

This is another feature in the ever-improving RemitONE system. For more information call +44 (0)20 8099 5795.

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